
Hi, my lovelies! This blog was created as a labour of love to be a space for nothing but transparency, positivity, faith, and all kinds of wholesomeness. However, it’s important to make a few disclaimers to ensure that all the content on here is interpreted in the right way.

The primary purpose of this blog is to promote general happiness and good mental health through lessons learned from life experiences, and to share my heart on different topics. 

Some of the content may mention the fact that I am, by profession, a doctor. However, this is not a medical blog and is certainly not a substitute for seeking medical attention or professional psychological support when you need it. 

I will do my best to signpost you to sources of support, whether that’s in the form of useful resources or ways you can get help. If you feel you need urgent help, call your doctor, crisis team or emergency services immediately

All views are my own – those of an ordinary girl  – and not of the medical profession.

None of the authors or contributors to this blog can be held responsible for your use of any information contained in or linked from this website. Now, this might sound a bit weird because I’m not expecting anyone to be affected negatively by this content, but (hopefully!!) the exact opposite. 

However, it’s vital to understand that it may not be for everyone, and does not amount to medical advice or therapy.

As I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, I’m a Christian and a lot of my content will reflect that. I’m not ashamed to be a follower of Christ and I hope to share His love and light with you all through this platform. I recognise that you may not be a Christian  – you are so welcome, and I hope that you’ll be open to finding something helpful to take away.

Most of my content is based around my personal experiences, and although I strongly believe that there are universal concepts that we can all learn from, please interpret everything you read through the eyes of YOU! This is my life, but yours is yours and no-one else’s. 

Please be mindful of your personal needs. One of my greatest desires is for you to take what I have to say and ask yourself, “What does this mean for me?” We are all on a different journey. As you read, also be aware of your triggers and proceed with caution whenever you feel it may be necessary.

My heart is just bursting with all I want to share with you! Happy reading, my loves!
