Jesus Follower. Plantain lover. Sister. Daughter. Friend. Medic. Singer. Disney princess.

Hello, beautiful person! Yeah, you! What brings you to this neck of the woods? Serendipity? Because I told you to? However you got here, I’m glad to have you around.

Let me take a minute to explain what’s going on. 

Welcome to my world of faith, mental health and all things Xtine. Jesus Christ saved my life. He brought me out of some dark places, but He didn’t stop there. Join my journey towards wholeness in Christ, growth, healing, happiness, self-love, peace with myself and others, and seemingly unrelated content.

The Xtine Project Logo

The Xtine Project (stylised TheXTINEProject™) is an online journal written by me, Christine. It’s a space to:

  • share my innermost thoughts and musings with the world;
  • explore the things I’ve learnt through my journey with Christ;
  • present the idea that mental health is relevant to every single one of us;
  • promote good mental health practices;
  • spread encouragement through transparency (in the hope that it would resonate with at least one person);
  • talk about the things I love and topics I’m passionate about… without character restrictions (I have a LOT to say… lol).

Why would I want to read the introspective ramblings of a random person on the internet?” I hear you ask! 

Well, no reason in particular. But, if you’re curious (like I have a feeling you might be), then why not head over to my first blog post and take a peek.

 Literally, why not?

This one’s for all my fellow nosy people, welcome aboard my train of thought. Wishing you a pleasant ride.

Lots and lots of love,
